Appointment Type | Fee | Medicare Rebate | Expected Out of Pocket |
Initial consult - 60mins | $670 | $255.90 | $414.10 |
Second opinion - 60mins | $670 | $255.90 | $414.10 |
20min follow up | $250 | $85.00 | $165 |
40min follow up | $373 | $130.85 | $242.15 |
60min follow up | $447 | $180.55 | $266.45 |
Cancellation Policy:
Please note that 2 business days notice is required to cancel or reschedule an appointment. If this happens with less than 2 business days notice, a cancellation fee will apply, although this will be waived if your appointment can be filled. 20 min appt: $60 + GST. 40 min appt: $110 + GST. 60 min appt: $160 + GST.
Out of session scripts: Please try to ensure scripts are requested within a consultation. Out of session scripts incur a fee of $65.
Appointment Type | Fee | Medicare Rebate | Expected Out of Pocket |
Initial consult - 75mins | $660 | $255.90 | $404.10 |
30min follow up | $330 | $130.85 | $199.15 |
50min follow up | $440 | $180.55 | $259.45 |
Cancellation Policy:
Please note that Dr Francis-Taylor requires at least 2 business days to cancel or reschedule a booked appointment, otherwise a 50% cancellation fee will apply. Appointments cancelled on the day will be charged 100% of the consultation fee. Cancellation fees are not covered by Medicare, Workcover or private health insurance.
Appointment Type | Fee (from 21st October 2024) | Medicare Rebate | Expected Out of Pocket |
Initial consult - 50mins | $600 | $255.90 | $344.10 |
30min follow up | $330 | $130.85 | $199.15 |
50min follow up | $440 | $180.55 | $259.45 |
Out of session scripts | $55 | Nil | $55.00 |
Cancellation Policy:
Please note that Dr French requires at least 2 business days to cancel or reschedule a booked appointment, otherwise a 50% cancellation fee will apply. Appointments cancelled on the day will be charged 100% of the consultation fee. Cancellation fees are not covered by Medicare, Workcover or private health insurance.
Appointment Type | Fee | Medicare Rebate | Expected Out of Pocket |
Initial Consult - 60mins | $650 | $255.90 | $394.10 |
30min follow up | $350 | $130.85 | $219.15 |
50 min follow up | $500 | $180.55 | $319.45 |
Cancellation Policy:
Please note that Dr Hurwitz requires at least 2 business days to cancel or reschedule a booked appointment, otherwise a 50% cancellation fee will apply. Appointments cancelled on the day will be charged 100% of the consultation fee. Cancellation fees are not covered by Medicare, Workcover or private health insurance.
Current fees for Dr Mackenzie can be obtained by contacting reception. |
Cancellation Policy:
If you need to cancel or change your initial appointment, please give 2 business days’ notice or you will not be refunded the pre-payment deposit. Cancellation fees also apply for all missed appointments if less than 2 business days notice is given, and if your appointment cannot be filled. Please note that cancellation fees are not claimable from Medicare.
Appointment Type | Fee | Medicare Rebate | Expected Out of Pocket |
Initial consult - 60mins | $600 | $255.90 | $344.10 |
30min follow up | $310 | $130.85 | $179.15 |
50min follow up | $410 | $180.55 | $229.45 |
Cancellation Policy:
Please note that Dr Thomas requires 2 business days notice to cancel or reschedule a booked appointment, otherwise a 50% cancellation fee will apply. Appointments cancelled on the day will be charged 100% of the consultation fee. Cancellation fees are not covered by Medicare or private health insurance.
Current fees for Dr Zurek can be obtained by contacting reception. |
Cancellation Policy:
Please note that Dr Zurek requires at least 2 business days to change or cancel your initial appointment or you will not be refunded the pre-payment deposit. For all general psychiatry consultations cancellation fees apply for all missed appointments if less than 2 business days’ notice is given, and if your appointment cannot be filled. Dr Zurek will discuss the cancellation policy for psychotherapy appointments. Cancellation fees are not covered by Medicare or private health insurance.
Appointment Type | Fee | Medicare Rebate | Expected Out of Pocket |
Initial Consult - 60mins | $650 | $255.90 | $394.10 |
30min follow up | $350 | $130.85 | $219.15 |
50 min follow up | $490 | $180.55 | $309.45 |
Cancellation Policy:
Please note that Dr Bayes requires at least 2 business days to cancel or reschedule a booked appointment, otherwise a 50% cancellation fee will apply. Appointments cancelled on the day will be charged 100% of the consultation fee. Cancellation fees are not covered by Medicare, Workcover or private health insurance.
Medicare Safety Net
The Medicare Safety Net is designed to help make it more affordable for people to receive private health care if they have multiple health issues and need more regular care.
Each year, Medicare automatically keeps a tally of all your Medicare-claimable services and counts your out of pocket costs (gap fees) towards the Medicare Extended Safety Net. Once your out of pocket costs each year (across all specialists, GPs and psychologists) reach a certain threshold amount, Medicare will pay back the usual rebate listed above PLUS 80% of the remaining gap fee for the rest of the year.
The threshold for individuals and families is currently around $2414.00 per year of out of pocket costs, or $770.30 per year for Concession Card Holders and Family Tax Benefit Part A). Gap fees for inpatient treatment do not count towards the Safety Net. You need to register with Medicare to have your family members counted as part of the same safety net threshold. Click here for more information.